(4:36 Video) CRO of the Year & CMO: The Perfect Plan For Tackling Stalled Deals

Shawn Conahan and Tristan Barnum, the CRO and CMO of Wildfire, explore vital aspects of aligning marketing and sales in B2B. They stress trust, collaboration, and customer success while ensuring incentive plans emphasize long-term over short-term rewards. They underscore team building and fostering a positive company culture as vital for driving success.

Content Marketing Is Complicated. For B2B sales, we simplify your path to being recognized as industry experts with the highest sales closing rates. As B2B founders, we know how to create content that positions your business as an authority, makes the case for your technology, confronts rational/emotional hurdles, and elevates your salespeople to trusted advisors—your competitive advantage in an ABM sales world. OUR PROMISE is to make your reputation a powerful and effective addition to your company’s core competencies.

In this 4:36 video summary of the podcast interview with Shawn Conahan and Tristan Barnum, the CRO and CMO of Wildfire, they discuss the common issue of stalled deals in sales and how to overcome them. They emphasize the importance of having a defined process and clear communication to keep deals moving forward. By providing a step-by-step plan and acting as a partner to potential customers, sales teams can help them navigate the complex decision-making process within their own organizations. 

“The most effective thing that a CRO, or anyone in sales leadership, can do differently that has run into stalled deals is just bring a process, and the buyer will absolutely appreciate you for it.” Shawn Conahan

Tristan emphasizes the significance of marketing in averting deal stagnation. Marketing plays a pivotal role in this regard by understanding the buyer’s pain points and communication preferences, enabling the creation of customized content that opens doors to new opportunities and ensures the continuous progress of deals.

To learn more, watch the 4:36 video or read the article below.

To catch the full interview with Shawn and Tristan on “The CRO of the Year & CMO Talk Growth & Alignment,” CLICK HERE

“How The CRO of the Year & CMO Address Stalled Deals”

From an interview with Shawn Conahan, CRO of the Year, and Tristan Barnum, CMO at Wildfire.


In the sales world, it’s not uncommon to encounter deals that get stalled at some point. This can frustrate the salesperson and the potential buyer as they navigate a complex web of stakeholders and approvals. However, a solution to this problem is implementing a defined process that guides both parties through the buyer’s journey. In a recent conversation between Shawn Conahan and Tristan Barnum, they shed light on the power of the process and how it can unlock stalled deals. Let’s delve deeper into their insights and explore this approach’s implications and potential impact.

The Importance of Process

Shawn Conahan highlights salespeople’s common challenge when deals get stalled:

“They don’t know what the next step is… They may not know if someone says, ‘Oh yeah, it’s in purchasing.’ We know it’s not really in purchasing.” 

This lack of clarity can lead to delays and frustration. However, by introducing a defined process, salespeople can provide transparency and guidance to potential buyers. As Shawn suggests, “Just bring a process, and they will absolutely appreciate you for it.”

A Partnering Approach

Shawn emphasizes the importance of acting as a partner to potential buyers. By offering a clear and defined process, salespeople can position themselves as allies, working alongside the buyer to navigate the complexities of the organization.

As Shawn puts it, “I’m on your side of the table with you to help you do this.”

This partnering approach builds trust and ensures that both parties are aligned and working towards a common goal.

Marketing’s Role in Preventing Stalls

From a marketing perspective, Tristan Barnum emphasizes the need to understand what causes deals to stall in the first place. By actively listening and gathering insights, marketing teams can identify potential roadblocks and take proactive measures to prevent stalls. Tristan suggests, “Maybe it’s a little shift in the marketing that we do… to make sure we use certain language that is not normal for us, but it’s totally normal for them and unlocks them past something.” This adaptability and responsiveness to buyer needs can significantly contribute to keeping deals moving forward.

Collaboration Across Departments

One of the key takeaways from the conversation between Shawn and Tristan is the importance of collaboration across departments. Traditionally, sales, marketing, and customer success have operated as distinct silos within an organization. However, by breaking down these barriers and working together towards a common goal, any company can create a seamless experience for potential buyers. 

Implications and Potential Impact

Implementing a defined process and fostering collaboration between sales, marketing, and customer success can have significant implications for organizations. Firstly, it can lead to increased efficiency and productivity. By providing a clear roadmap, salespeople can navigate the sales funnel more effectively, reducing the time spent on stalled deals. Additionally, by actively listening and adapting marketing strategies, potential roadblocks can be identified and addressed proactively, further streamlining the sales process.

Furthermore, this approach can enhance the overall customer experience. Salespeople can build trust and rapport with potential buyers by acting as partners and allies. This increases the likelihood of closing deals and sets the stage for successful customer relationships post-sale. When customer success is involved from the beginning, a seamless transition from sales to implementation ensures a smooth and successful onboarding process.


The power of process in unlocking stalled deals cannot be underestimated. Organizations can overcome the challenges that often arise during the sales process by providing transparency, acting as partners, and fostering collaboration across departments. The insights shared by Shawn Conahan and Tristan Barnum highlight the importance of a customer-centric approach and the need for alignment between sales, marketing, and customer success.

Next Steps

In this summary video, Tristan emphasizes the impact of content on moving through stalled deals. To elevate your company’s content success earlier and earlier in the buyer’s journey, don’t miss the opportunity to CLICK HERE and schedule a 20-minute strategy session with Steve MacDonald, founder of ConstentStrategies.io.

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