2024 Report: Why Content is the New ABM

Barbie Mattie, former VP Principal Analyst at Forrester and current advisor at Iron Horse, discusses the findings of her recent report on B2B investments in 2024. The report reveals that high-growth companies prioritize efficiency, retention, and expansion as their most important outcomes. Content marketing emerges as a key strategy. Mattie emphasizes the importance of audience-centric content and a connected buyer journey. She also highlights the need for companies to focus on customer retention and expansion rather than solely on net new acquisition. 

It’s time to expect more from B2B content marketing. Traditional content marketing solves problems, where thought leadership sparks conversations at every stage of the buyer’s journey. Why shouldn’t the very act of creating thought leadership content also be a direct lead generation or sales activity itself? In a world where B2B buyers are trending more and more toward a self-serve buyers journey, marketing needs to play a bigger role in starting conversations earlier in the process.

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Barbie Mattie discusses the findings of a recent report she authored on investments that B2B companies are planning to make in 2024. The report reveals that the top three most important outcomes for high-growth companies are efficiency, retention, and expansion. 

 “Content with journey-specific messaging is the most effective mechanism to get from target to ICP; optimizing that practice enables a more efficient go-to-market approach.” – Barbie Mattie

Mattie emphasizes the importance of content in achieving these outcomes, stating that content is the new ABM (account-based marketing). She highlights the need for audience-centric content and a connected buyer journey. The report also shows that high-growth companies’ top priority is investing in content marketing technology. Mattie advises CMOs to learn from the successes of high-growth companies and emulate their strategies.

The interactive podbook below contains:

  • Barbie Mattie’s introduction video
  • Full Episode video, audio, transcript, and article
  • 4:34 Summary video + article
  • YouTube short on “Why Content is the New ABM.

Article: “2024 Report: Why Content is the New ABM.”

From a podcast interview with VP of Growth Strategy at Iron Horse and former VP Principal Analyst at Forrester, Barbie Mattie


In a recent podcast episode, Barbie Mattie, former VP Principal Analyst at Forrester and current advisor at Iron Horse, discussed the findings of a report she authored on the investments B2B companies are making in the coming year. The report, conducted in collaboration with the Enterprise Growth Alliance, aimed to identify the most important outcomes companies plan to invest in with their next annual budget. The data revealed that high-growth companies prioritize efficiency, retention, and expansion as their key objectives. Furthermore, the report highlighted the crucial role of content in achieving these outcomes, leading Barbie to assert that “content is the new ABM” (account-based marketing).

The Importance of Efficiency, Retention, and Expansion

The data from the report consistently showed that efficiency, retention, and expansion were the top three most important outcomes for high-growth companies. Barbie explained that efficiency referred to staying a bit above positive, while retention and expansion focused on retaining and growing existing customer relationships. 

She emphasized the significance of these objectives, stating, “We should follow high-growth companies and emulate their spend patterns because they grew by being able to do that.”

The Role of Content in Achieving Key Objectives

Barbie’s analysis of the data revealed that content played a central role in achieving the desired outcomes of efficiency, retention, and expansion. She found that high-growth companies were investing in content development, with content marketing technology being the top technology planned for investment. 

Barbie explained, “When you build audience-centric content, you can make a more connected buyer’s journey,” which ultimately supports efficiency, retention, and expansion goals.

The Need for Audience-Centric Content

Barbie stressed the importance of audience-centric content in driving a more connected buyer’s journey. She highlighted the need for companies to target their ideal customer profile and serve them with tailored content. 

Barbie stated, “You have a blip in time to get in front of them because they’re doing most of their own selling process. They’re selling to themselves with their own research and discovery.” 

By providing valuable and relevant content, companies can engage potential customers earlier in their buyer’s journey and establish themselves as trusted advisors in the industry.

Content Marketing as the Best Bang for Your Buck

Several CMOs who reviewed the report emphasized the value and impact of content marketing. 

Nancy Maluso, a former colleague of Barbie’s, stated, “It’s about the ongoing delivery of value.” 

She highlighted the importance of adding value through content and building trust with customers. 

Karen Scott, another CMO, echoed this sentiment, stating, “The best bang for the buck today is content.” 

She recognized the effectiveness of content in driving growth and emphasized the need for precision and audience focus in content creation.

Moving Beyond MQLs and Focusing on Value

The report’s findings challenged the traditional focus on lead generation and MQLs (marketing qualified leads).  Kevin Bobowski, a three-time B2B CMO, emphasized the need to move beyond mass production of content and focus on delivering value. 

He stated, “Each new piece of content produced needs to absolutely deliver: no missing the mark.” 

This shift in mindset reflects a broader trend in the industry, where companies are recognizing the importance of thought leadership and value-driven content in sparking conversations and building relationships with potential customers.

The Impact on Sales Cycles and Brand Building

Barbie highlighted the impact of content marketing on sales cycles and brand building. She noted that by establishing thought leadership and providing valuable content, companies can reduce sales cycles and build trust with potential customers. 

She quoted Uzair Dada, the founder and CEO of Iron Horse, who said, “When companies can grow through their current customer base, that’s a strong indicator of how your products and services are resonating in the market.” 

Companies can strengthen their brand and attract new buyers more easily by focusing on retention, upsell, and cross-sell opportunities.

The Role of AI in Efficiency, Retention, and Expansion

Barbie mentioned that her next survey would explore the role of AI (artificial intelligence) in driving efficiency, retention, and expansion. She highlighted the growing trend of AI adoption in marketing and emphasized the need for marketers to leverage AI to optimize their content marketing efforts. By harnessing AI-powered tools and technologies, companies can enhance efficiency, personalize their content, and improve the overall customer experience.


The findings of Barbie Mattie’s report shed light on the importance of efficiency, retention, and expansion as key objectives for high-growth companies. The data highlighted the crucial role of content in achieving these outcomes, with audience-centric content and content marketing technology being key areas of investment. By focusing on delivering value, building trust, and providing thought leadership through content, companies can drive growth, reduce sales cycles, and strengthen their brand. Looking ahead, integrating AI into content marketing strategies holds promise for further enhancing efficiency, personalization, and customer experience.

As CMOs and marketing leaders plan for the future, they can learn from the successes of high-growth companies and prioritize investments in content development, audience-centric messaging, and content marketing technology. By adopting a customer-centric approach and leveraging the power of content, companies can position themselves as trusted advisors, drive growth through existing customer relationships, and attract new buyers more effectively.

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