(4:34 Summary Video) “Why Content is the New ABM”

In this 4:34 summary video with Barbie Mattie, former VP Principal Analyst at Forrester and current advisor at Iron Horse, she explains why account-centric content is the new account-based marketing. “Content is the new ABM because the same diligence that was used to target high-value accounts needs to be applied to go beyond the targeting.” – Barbie Mattie

It’s time to expect more from B2B content marketing. Traditional content marketing solves problems, where thought leadership sparks conversations at every stage of the buyer’s journey. Why shouldn’t the very act of creating thought leadership content also be a direct lead generation or sales activity itself? In a world where B2B buyers are trending more and more toward a self-serve buyers journey, marketing needs to play a bigger role in starting conversations earlier in the process.

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Barbie Mattie discusses the importance of content in today’s marketing landscape. According to a recent report, content is a key factor in achieving efficiency, retention, and expansion. High-growth companies are investing in content marketing technology, highlighting its significance. 

The top two headcount roles in these companies are data and analytics and marketing ops, indicating the need for new capabilities. Content development is consistently ranked as the third most important hire, emphasizing its value. Barbie explains that content is the new ABM (Account-Based Marketing) because it aligns demand generation programs, content, and messaging against high-value accounts. 

Marketers can effectively target and engage their ideal customer profiles by creating audience-centric content and a connected buyer journey. This approach leads to a more efficient go-to-market strategy, faster account acquisition, and improved retention.

To learn more, watch the 4:34 video or read the article below.

To catch the full interview with Barbie, CLICK HERE.

Article: “Why Content is the New ABM”

From a podcast interview with VP of Growth Strategy at Iron Horse and former VP Principal Analyst at Forrester, Barbie Mattie


In today’s fast-paced and ever-evolving business landscape, staying ahead of the competition requires a strategic approach to marketing. One of the most significant trends has been that of Account-Based Marketing (ABM), a targeted approach that aligns demand-generation programs, content, and messaging against high-value accounts. However, a recent report suggests that there is a new player in town – content. In fact, analysis from a new report goes as far as to claim that content is the new ABM. In this article, we will delve into the key findings of the report and explore the implications and potential impact of this emerging trend.

Exploring the Key Themes

The report highlights three main themes when analyzing the data of where B2B companies were investing resources in 2024: efficiency, retention, and expansion. Within these themes, content played a crucial role.

Barbie Mattie, an analyst with extensive experience, explains, “From when we looked at the data for the most important outcomes, efficiency, retention, and expansion, there was a consistent pattern across all of those. Somewhere within the top three, it was either you need a content development person, you have to have audience-centric content, and then from a technology perspective, the number one technology planned for high-growth companies to invest in is content marketing technology.”

This finding clearly indicates that content is a key driver of success in today’s marketing landscape. Companies are recognizing the importance of having a dedicated content development team and creating audience-centric content. Furthermore, the report reveals that content marketing technology is the top technology investment for high-growth companies. This aligns with the growing recognition that leveraging technology to enhance content creation and distribution is essential for achieving marketing goals.

The People Perspective

When examining the data from a people perspective, two roles stood out as the top headcount priorities: data and analytics, and marketing ops. 

Barbie Mattie explains, “The reason why those are the top two is because the actual percentage numbers that were reflected in the study indicated that these people were net new, and it was a role that wasn’t quite fulfilled yet or capability.” 

However, what is interesting is that content consistently emerged as the third most important hire for efficiency, retention, and expansion. Although the percentages were relatively low, indicating that companies already have people working on content, the fact that they are adding more content-focused roles highlights the growing importance of this area.

Content: The New ABM

So why is content being hailed as the new ABM? 

Barbie Mattie provides some insights, “Across the efficiency, retention, and expansion business, it was all about building audience-centric content and creating a more connected buyer journey. When you build audience-centric content, you can make a more connected buyer’s journey, and just the fact that those were so synergistic was really cool to see in the data.” 

In essence, content is the key to unlocking a more effective and connected buyer journey.

Barbie Mattie further elaborates, “It’s the job of B2B sellers and marketers to work in tandem to permeate the entire account. You can target an account, but you have to go beyond to get through to the accounts, the buying groups, and your ideal customer profile. So, content with journey-specific messaging is the most effective mechanism to get from target to ICP, and optimizing that practice enables a more efficient go-to-market approach. It allows faster account expansion business, and that ultimately supports your retention goals.”

This insight highlights the critical role that content plays in not only targeting high-value accounts but also in engaging and nurturing them throughout the buyer’s journey. By creating content tailored to the target audience’s specific needs and pain points, companies can establish a deeper connection and increase the likelihood of conversion and retention.


The implications of content being the new ABM are significant. By prioritizing content development and investing in content marketing technology, companies can enhance their marketing efforts and drive better results. The report’s findings suggest that companies recognize the need to go beyond traditional marketing approaches and adopt a more audience-centric strategy.

Furthermore, the emphasis on content highlights the importance of personalized and tailored messaging. In today’s digital age, customers expect a personalized experience; content is how companies can deliver that. By creating content that speaks directly to the pain points and challenges of their target audience, companies can establish themselves as trusted advisors and build stronger relationships.

From a practical standpoint, the report’s findings also indicate that companies need to allocate resources and budgets to support their content initiatives. This includes hiring dedicated content development professionals and investing in content marketing technology. By doing so, companies can ensure that they have the necessary expertise and tools to create and distribute high-quality content that resonates with their target audience.


The report’s findings make it clear that content is the new ABM. Companies can drive efficiency, retention, and expansion by focusing on audience-centric content and creating a more connected buyer journey. The role of content in marketing has evolved from a mere support function to a strategic imperative.

Looking ahead, it is likely that the importance of content will continue to grow. As technology advances and customer expectations evolve, companies must stay ahead of the curve and adapt their content strategies accordingly. This includes leveraging emerging technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning to enhance content creation and distribution.

In conclusion, the report’s findings highlight the power of content in today’s marketing landscape. By prioritizing content development, investing in content marketing technology, and adopting an audience-centric approach, companies can unlock the full potential of their marketing efforts. The future of marketing lies in the hands of those who can create compelling and tailored content that resonates with their target audience.

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